
Υμνος στην Ελλάδα αντί προλόγου στο βιβλίο του Μεγάλου Eustace Mullins - The World Order: A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism

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Λέει λοιπόν ο Ευστάθιος Μούλλινς,
(δείτε τις συνεντεύξεις του στο youtube.com το όνομα του είναι Eustace Mullins)

When he was proffered the cup of hemlock by his fellow-citizens, Socretes’ last words were, “Crito, I owe a cock to Asclepius; will you remember to pay the debt?” A gentleman is responsible for his obligations, and this book is the repayment of the efforts of three great men who chose me as their protégé – Ezra Pound, the dominant literary figure of our time; George Stimpson, the most respected journalist in Washington (the title has been vacant since his death); and H.L. Hunt, whose spectacular business success blinded the public to his brilliant philosophical achievements. It was H.L. Hunt who invented the term “The Mistaken” for the self-corrupted members of the new class who now control our world – he might have added that they could also be described as “The Misshapen”, because of their warped and perverted sense of values.

The present work is also an expression of another Greek attitude – gratitude for life. Michael Lekakis introduced this astounding Greek attribute to me some thirty years ago. I describe it as “astounding”, because no one today thinks of being grateful for life. Who can conceive of “gratitude for life” in an existence of eternal and worldwide slavery imposed upon humanity by the minions of the World Order?
In “The Greek Way”,

Edith Hamilton says, “Tragedy was a Greek creation because in Greece thought was free.” We do not have tragedy today because of the thought control imposed by the World Order. Instead, we have “Newspeak” and “doublethink”.